
Thank you for your interest in donating to our programs. General donations are for those who want to support programs by making a contribution to our annual fund.

Current Needs

Your immediate gift can help us:

  • Provide summer youth theatre shows (currently four for youth, and one for young children).
  • Provide a Broadway Performer’s Workshop, including fees for several Broadway performer stipends, space rental, materials and supplies).
  • Sponsor one or two Masterclass, including fees for Broadway star stipend, accommodations, accompanist, space rental, and supplies.
  • Pay for our overhead and the Capitol Center for the Arts performance location, staffing, storage rental, props, costumes, paint, supplies, set materials, etc.
  • Provide immediate scholarships for students in need.

Long-term Wishes and Aspirations

RB Productions has a wishlist” of items that would help our participants and programs grow even more:

  • Advertise and further promote the Masterclasses and Masterclass audience opportunities to schools and other theatre institutions statewide, building rapport for future endeavors and shared funding.
  • Establish and/or maintain a fund to provide a space for the long-term storage of RB’s costumes and props.
  • Financing a long-term RB scholarship fund.
  • Help fund a group trip to New York City to see Broadway shows and visit back stage professionals in action.
  • Provide monetary support for long term advertising via a strategic social media marketing campaign.
  • Help fund a paid year-round staff position.

In-Kind Donations

In addition to the real needs for financial support, RB Productions always welcomes donations of:

  • Costumes
  • Building and painting supplies
  • Theatre equipment
  • And more

If you have supplies or materials that you think would be beneficial for our programs, please contact Clint Klose. Thank you for your support!


What I love about RB Productions…

is how welcoming everyone is, and also being involved in such great shows.

Youth Participant